Breast cancer "executioners" greatest for women

Health is important for all of us, therefore we must be able to maintain our health before it attacked by virus diseases. One disease for women, namely breast cancer. According to data from WHO, 8-9% of women will
experiencing breast cancer. This cancer is cancer that most
a lot of attacking women.

In 2000 an estimated 1.2 million women diagnosed with cancer
breast and 700,000 died of it. Breast cancer causes
The biggest female deaths due to cancer.

As with other cancers, the cause is unknown
with certainty. However, allegedly following a

1. Families who have a history of similar disease
2. Age a growing
3. Not having children
4. Pregnancy over age 30
5. Longer menstrual periods (menstruation earlier
or menopause slower)
6. Hormonal factors (both estrogen and androgens)

Early detection and treatment of cancer payudura provide opportunities
greater life and provide more therapeutic options
much for the sufferer. Early detection can be performed by
patients themselves after menstruation, usually in the form of a lump
hard and small. These lumps are not painful, but some
the patient felt pain.

If early detection indicate the presence of lumps, immediately
went to the doctor. The doctor will perform pemeriksakan
Further such as mammography and biopsy.

How proper treatment of breast cancer?

God has equipped our bodies with "natural killer cells" or
natural killer cells or commonly called the immune system. Natural
killer cells can kill cancer cells naturally if he
stronger than the cancer cells.

How to "Natural killer cells" can be strong so as to
kill cancer cells?

Natural killer cells can be amplified by taking the transfer
plus factor. 1 capsule plus transfer factor can increase
activity "Natural killer cells" of up to 437%.

In addition 4life research center also has created a special product
for women's reproductive health, namely the transfer factor belle vie.
The use of transfer factor plus belle vie with extremely good for
patients with breast cancer and to women's reproductive health.
Belle vie transfer factor provides the following benefits:

1. Nourish the female reproductive system.
2. Prevent & Cure breast cancer.
3. Healthy immune system & help the fertility of the female reproductive
4. Contain high antioxidant.

Belle vie transfer factor transfer factor molecules contain the
devoted to women's hormonal health. It also contains a well
containing herbal ingredients such as cruciferous Vegetable Blend (broccoli,
cabbage, and kale, along with indole 3-carbinol), methane diinodoly
(DIM), ascorbigen and other dietary indoles, green tea extract,
calcium d-Glucarate, grapeseed extract, clove oil, gelatin and
glycerin is very good for the immune system and cancer treatment.

How therapy for advanced stage?

In medical treatment, surgery requiring an advanced stage
and chemotherapy or radiation because cancer cells have spread to
whole body. However, radiation or chemotherapy effect
a great addition for the sufferer.

- Side effects of radiation decline in the number of blood cells
white, infection / inflammation, skin reactions such as burning rays
sun, fatigue, pain in mouth and throat, diarrhea and
can cause baldness.

- Side effects of chemotherapy is to decrease the number of
blood cells, infection, anemia, bleeding such as nosebleeds, hair
loss, itching and dry skin, nausea and vomiting, dehydration,
low blood pressure, constipation, diarrhea, nervous system disorders.

Morning patients who undergo chemotherapy, the use of transfer
very good factor to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy or

Therapy for advanced stages can also be done with
combines three revolutionary products 4life research centers, namely:

1. Transfer factor plus. This product contains transfer factors
combined with herbs.

2. Transfer factor advanced. This product will help improve
and regenerate damaged cells.

3. Transfer factors belle vie. This product is specially created for
women's reproductive health and women's hormonal balance.

4. RioVida burst transfer factors. This product contains a molecule
transfer factors are combined with a variety of fruits
excellent for the immune system, digestive system,
cardiovascular and urinary tract. RioVida burst transfer factor
is the best antioxidant, antioxidants we need to
against free radicals. Free radicals are thought to be one
cause of cancer

How Breast Cancer Prevention?

Running a balanced lifestyle is the most effective
for preventing cancer, such as adequate rest, the pattern
eat regular & balanced nutrition and regular exercise. For women
who are at high risk of breast cancer should
consuming transfer factor belle vie.

Genetic factors cause some families to have more risk
high for certain cancers when compared with
other families. The type of cancer tends to run in
family is breast cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer
and colon cancer.

The risk for women suffering from cancer increased 1.5 s / d 3 times if
mother or sister
breast cancer.

If you or a loved one suffer yours
cancer, do not delay to take transfer factor
immediately kill cancer cells that exist in the patient's body
with a very effective and without side effects.

Our health is an invaluable investment, every second
we us in life are those moments that are important, do not let
diseases disturb the health yours.

Description: Breast cancer "executioners" greatest for women Rating: 5 Reviewer: AghostHTC ItemReviewed: Breast cancer "executioners" greatest for women

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