About your adsense optimization
You are an Adsense Publisher? If yes, then start today you might have seen a change in the test report to your Adsense. In the central part of the report, to be precise under adsense summary report, you'll find new features that are labeled Recent Messages. This feature contains adsense optimization tips specifically for you that will be sent every month.
Throughout the month, Google's system will analyze the performance of your account and setting your adsense ads. Early next month Google will send a special report with tips to optimize your adsense performance. It certainly tips that will be useful to increase your earnings the following month. But, you need to be vigilant. Why?
Tips from the Adsense team is just a suggestion, of course you are absolutely not to carry it out if you think the tips were not very important or could even harm you. You must remember that the tips or advice is given it is of course based on Google's own assessment, so it is possible that advice will be affected by Google's own interest in achieving a more optimal advantage of Advertisers.
One example can be adduced here. For example you've set up filters to filter or block certain ads that earnings per click were small. Google allows us to block up to 200 URL address instead? This filter is viewed in terms of Google's interests because it would harm the chances of certain ads to appear to be less, which means loss of opportunities for Google's income from advertising is concerned. Google then gives tips to you so that you remove this filter or you subtract the grounds that the filter will reduce the number and diversity of ads that will appear on your website.
This example shows that our interests (to display the ad with the price per click is higher) conflict with the interests of Google (to display as many ads no matter what the price per clicks). In these circumstances, whether you will follow tips from Google to remove the filter ads from your account?
Another thing to note, Google itself does not guarantee that your Adsense income will be better if they followed the advice, because advice is given based on the successful experiences of other publishers who might differ with your condition. Google Inside AdSense Team wrote:
"While we're not Able to guarantee results from implementing these suggestions, we've found That these techniques have been Successful for many publishers in the past the which is why we've developed this feature for you."
So, not all tips should be followed ...
Tags: Tips Internet
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